As part of the modern urban horror/supernatural hack I’m toying with (think 50% Misfits and 50% The Fades), I’ve…

As part of the modern urban horror/supernatural hack I’m toying with (think 50% Misfits and 50% The Fades), I’ve…

As part of the modern urban horror/supernatural hack I’m toying with (think 50% Misfits and 50% The Fades), I’ve begun to rough out a playbook called The Antiquarian, whose schtick is that they are a mature, reliable figure, such as a grandparent, who has accumulated wisdom through life experience.

I’m having an issue with trying to conceptualise their sex move though, as I can imagine anything I write creating a degree of discomfort and even hilarity among players. I’m tempted to give them something completely different, a move that is triggered by something other than sex with another character, but am I just being over-sensitive? If not, what sort of trigger would make a good replacement?

4 thoughts on “As part of the modern urban horror/supernatural hack I’m toying with (think 50% Misfits and 50% The Fades), I’ve…”

  1. I like the idea of a no-sex move. Perhaps this more mature or even elderly figure returns infatuation with a kind smile and a hug?

    Something like:

    When another character attempts to have sex with you, you may extinguish their lust with kindness. They still get the benefit of their sex move, and you …. get…. something?

  2. Old people (by which I mean, over 70) have sex all the time. No risk of babies (for old women) and lots less performance pressure for everyone involved. If you are concerned about adults and much older adults having consensual sex, all you need to do is look around at Demi and Aston, or Mick and his most recent lady, or any of a bajillion less famous examples to know it happens without being a big deal.

    Perhaps look at the wisdom and experience angle: if the Venerable* has sex with another PC, both of them mark experience and the other PC can choose to count it as opening their brain because the Venerable knows all sorts of things they didn’t even consider before.

    If you don’t want your wise elder to have sex, make the special be about another form of intense intimacy, but ducking the sex because the playbook is old is kinda selling it short.

    *Antiquarian has particular meaning , as in (your state) Antiquarian Society and antiquarian studies, which isn’t at all what’s going on with this playbook.

  3. Giles was indeed super sexy, but nevertheless a good 20-30 years younger than this archetype. 🙂

    Having said that… Giles is a perfect fit for the role: a wise guide using their education and experience to assist a younger generation in fighting the supernatural… and he has sex on several occasions! I think shifting my own assumptions about the age of the character provides the best solution here! Thanks Oli Jeffery 

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