5 thoughts on “I’m curious if anybody here has run a game with mechs?”

  1. The first big actual play podcast of this was a guy basically converting a cyberpunk styled mech game from another system to Sprawl.  if I remember he basically dissassembled the basic driver moves, gave them to everyone, and then gave the driver access to slightly better options with his moves and more starting moves.

    and then he stated up the mechs like cars, but with a few changes. 

    I am sure someone can post that podcast..I don’t remember what it was called now.

  2. Yeah! That was the Friends at the Table podcast. They blended Sprawl episodes in with MicroScope and Kingdom sessions too. It was really cool.

    Chris Stone-Bush mentioned starting a Bubblegum Crisis Sprawl game (Granted BGC is more battlesuits than mecha, but iI think is the close enough). He may have some ideas on this subject.

  3. I hadn’t thought about how to do hardsuits and combat mechs in that Bubblegum Crisis / A.D. Police idea. Honestly, I would simply want to play as “regular” Sprawl characters IN the BGC setting as opposed to a team of hardsuit wearing vigilantes like the Knight Sabers.

    There was a post somewhere a while back about how to hack AW into a mecha setting. It was really simple, just like a paragraph or two, but I can’t seem to find it now. Maybe it was similar to what Riley Crowder mentions; a small set of Driver-like moves that everyone has to represent their mech.

    If everyone had mechs and hardsuits, I think I wouldn’t change anything mechanically though. I would just narrate things appropriately to fit with the new mecha- scale.

  4. I have mechs in my game. We’ve simply added them as another type of vehicle and left them at that.

    In Friends at the Table they added more houserules to make it so everyone can pilot a mech using the Driver’s advantages of Power and Style, but I decided to leave that be and simply treat it as another vehicle type.

    Simple and flavourful.

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