4 thoughts on “Yay! NGD! I ordered a damaged copy from Indy Press Revolution. It’s nearly flawless.”

  1. I’ve run a few scenes to test it out with one of the players in my Marvel Heroic Role-playing group. I love superhero RPGs and MHR, but I wanted to try a PbtA to see if it could support the detail and flexibility we get in MHR with the speed of PbtA. So far it fits the bill! I’ll try and post an update after I run a few sessions.

  2. Up until I played Worlds in Peril I’ve never really cared for any superhero RPG. This game rocks! It has the flexibility and adaptability to make characters feel like superheroes without the need for a heavy rule-set and lots of mechanical sub-systems found in other games.

  3. Thanks for the heads up, just picked up a damaged copy myself and noticed that Indie Press Revolution has a bunch of damaged #feminism nanogame books for 12 bucks as well.

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