Will be running Masks as an open table type game, think League of Heroes.

Will be running Masks as an open table type game, think League of Heroes.

Will be running Masks as an open table type game, think League of Heroes. With the first 5 heroes coming to play every other week. We will be creating all the characters at the same time.

1) anyone tried running Masks as an Open Table type game? Any tips?

2) Anyone used the play test playbooks? What were your impressions?

3) Since I might have a large initial cast, I will probably (really not sure about this) allow playbook dupes, this is the thing I worry the most about, how would you approach it?

For character creation I was looking at doing a round of DramaSystem setup, then the Masks questions. Any/all suggestions welcome.


6 thoughts on “Will be running Masks as an open table type game, think League of Heroes.”

  1. I think that can be solved by asking plenty of questions.

    “Scarlet, you’ve never met Catlad before. Why does he piss you off? Why does your sister look up to him?”

  2. The other thing is that character creation will be common, we will do them all together. So the characters will know one another to lesser degrees. Depending how and with whom they interact afterwards will shape the relationship further.

    And for questions yes more questions than usual, I will also use the first session to define general knowledge that all character should know. This way we all start from the same place.

    I will probably record the sessions so that note keeping is easier.

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