First, I’ve wanted to say hello
Second, how would you mechanically handle AI/uploaded minds PCs existing only on net and resleeving (uploading mind in different bodies)?
I would say that first case is easily solved by “fictional positioning” (PCs existing only on net can be affected by and affect only by things on net, unless they transfer in body).
I have more problems with resleeving because some skills/stats are directly linked to physical form.
I think that you could most easily solve this with the use of data points. If you don’t want to create a new character for each “sleeve” then simply keep the same base character but provide data points in areas this particular sleeve is really good at.
That gave me idea to have two types of resleeving:
Everyday type, which people use in high tech societies to do work and get around quicky, it’s not so much resleeving as it is remote controling bodies (think movie Surrogates). Move would be something similar to DW druid shapeshifting, giving data points for areas the sleeve is good at, as Chalice In Chains suggested.
And second type far more risky, basically if it successful player rolls new character (maybe he can keep some of the more mental skills), however roll gets -1 for each time this procedure performed before and consequences are most dire, even on 7-9.
This move would need some sort of facility or could be done with “safetynet” biochip on most advance worlds.
This move is ment to be more like scifi version of ressurection spell, not something people use every day.