Our next session of this campaign is on Saturday, so thought I’d shared this AP of our last game.

Our next session of this campaign is on Saturday, so thought I’d shared this AP of our last game.

Our next session of this campaign is on Saturday, so thought I’d shared this AP of our last game. Tensioned and events are ratcheting up now, and I’d expect End-of-Season to be triggered very soon…really have no idea how this is going to turn out!

Originally shared by Donogh McCarthy

Another session of our Monsterhearts game. I don’t even know where to start for my Infernal: parental issues, being in her dark self for the entire session, at least not all the other PCs are after her!

Victor, the ghoul is too busy screwing/murdering his teachers!

Madison, the witch deploying gicky hexes

Aster, the Fae trying to be reasonable (like that’s going to last!)

David Jay, J.D. Lichauco, Jørund Kambestad Lie, Yoshi Creelman

P.S. not sure if we’re organising this on the Gauntlet anymore, so let me know if you still want to see these posts here