So, a question: what happens when a NPC wants to refuse to honor a debt?
So, a question: what happens when a NPC wants to refuse to honor a debt?
So, a question: what happens when a NPC wants to refuse to honor a debt?
So, a question: what happens when a NPC wants to refuse to honor a debt?
So, a question: what happens when a NPC wants to refuse to honor a debt?
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You make a GM move.
Or choose 1 from the Refuse a Debt 7-9 options, treat it as a 6- when they are really stepping out of line.
Technically, they can’t, but I like Tim’s idea better.
As Andrew says, NPCs can’t refuse to honor a Debt when you ask for something off the list like an introduction or a gift. That’s all stuff they can’t wiggle away from.
But if you ask for a favor, you’re rolling Persuade instead of just cashing in a Debt. Then we see what happens based on your roll (with a +3). On a miss, they might just turn you down.