Short chain of interesting thoughts I’ve just had:

Short chain of interesting thoughts I’ve just had:

Short chain of interesting thoughts I’ve just had:

For being such a superficially physical and self-focused powerset, Superspeed is a surprisingly good fit for a Nova. It works with all the Flares, it has appropriate scope, and a reckless speedster who doesn’t have a handle on her powers yet is a suitably frightening prospect. This lead me to:

Looking at the Nova’s Flares actually seems like a pretty good way of imagining novel uses for your powers. That’s not really where the heart of the game is, but it can help make your action scenes more interesting, and maybe help spark some ideas for players who feel they don’t have much to contribute during those scenes. Which lead finally to:

In any system where there’s an apparent gap between the scopes of PC abilities, looking at the character options with evidently wider scope and imagining how to recreate them using the options with evidently narrower scope is probably a good thought experiment to try. This is obviously easier in more narrative and less simulationist systems, but asking the question “how can I do X when I only have Y” and genuinely trying to find an answer should be a helpful mindset even in more rigid systems.

Not entirely Masks related, but I figured I’d share. I think it’s cool that this game is indirectly going to lead me to richer experiences in other games.