What would be a catchy archetype name for a zero-g construction worker?

What would be a catchy archetype name for a zero-g construction worker?

What would be a catchy archetype name for a zero-g construction worker? (I was thinking about “Star Rigger” but that appears to have been snatched as a term for pilots in a popular SF novel series.)

13 thoughts on “What would be a catchy archetype name for a zero-g construction worker?”

  1. Space Monkey. ‘Deck Ape’ is naval slang for someone maintaining the ship; I could see Space Monkey following suit from a history of launching chimps into orbit married to the same sort of grueling physical labor.

  2. Hmm.. let’s Void, Space, Vacuum, Vacc, Black, Empty, Tooler, Knocker, Builder, Faber, Squid, Ape, Monkey, Weasel, Mite (as in Termite).. Should be able to make a something you like from that.

    My favorites are Vacc knocker (Tin knocker is a person that does the A/C vents in construction) and Voidmite.

  3. If you’re looking for a more generic term or job description for an Archetype, something as simple as Void Rigger would work, because it sells the fantasy without needing context.

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