We have a winner for our Bluebeard’s voice contest!

We have a winner for our Bluebeard’s voice contest!

We have a winner for our Bluebeard’s voice contest!

Originally shared by Magpie Games

Also, in addition to Bluebeard’s Bride coming out next week, we can announce the winner of our contest to find the right evil laugh for Bluebeard himself!

Congratulations Brian Wille! Your laugh was deliciously evil!

Tune in when the project goes up to watch the video and hear his laugh!

2 thoughts on “We have a winner for our Bluebeard’s voice contest!”

  1. I had to channel Bluebeard for a full night in order to get just the right Evil Laugh, frightening my wife and neighbors. But it was worth it! Very excited to win, and very excited for the game.

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