Ran a con game today, and tried something new I thought worked pretty well.

Ran a con game today, and tried something new I thought worked pretty well.

Ran a con game today, and tried something new I thought worked pretty well.

Something I steal from Bryanna Hitchcock is starting with describing a TV show credits sequence and asking the players to provide what quick moments of their characters in action we see. This time, I made an obvious continuation, saying “Previously, on Monster of the Week” and said we’re now seeing the climax of their _last_adventure, when they’d finally tracked down the HellPuppy summoned by the 11-year-old necromancer to an abandoned factory, and playing it out, assuring them that the experience they rack up during this flashback would be real, but the damage would be gone by the next episode and we know they survived, so I encouraged them to take risks.

Afterwards, we began the mystery proper. So they got to get a taste of the system and combat straight out of the gates and some XP to boot.

3 thoughts on “Ran a con game today, and tried something new I thought worked pretty well.”

  1. Awesome idea, Zed. Stealing right back, like ya do. 🙂

    I ran MotW at Big Bad Con this weekend, too. Represent! Hope to put an AP report together. Would love to see more about your game.

  2. I have a game this weekend, love this idea and it also gives me an option of dropping loot in the previously on that be part of the hook for my main story.

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