9 thoughts on “The hardcover book: who has it and what do you think? Worth it?”

  1. I would choose the Midnight edition after all. Computer read-outs should look like they were viewed in gungy public-access terminals with scuffed and cracked lucite screens and stuff.

  2. I think a lot will depend on if you find the font style and size acceptable in the midnight version. My aging eyes certainly couldn’t and I’d go with the literature for the feel of the genre rather than Hamish’s prose in white text on a black background.

  3. I ordered my Noon hardcover this afternoon! Excited!

    Tangent: I love that the handouts/cheat sheets are landscape; they’ll fit wonderfully in my customizable GM screen!

  4. Ben Liepis The PCs will complain!  GM screen sheets should be either landscape or portrait.  After all, aren’t you supposed to have your free choice of Orientation?  lol  🙂 

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