What happens when a faction hits +4?

What happens when a faction hits +4?

What happens when a faction hits +4? Or for that matter, if it hits -4? I’ve seen posts in this community about the +4 getting xp and the -4 getting corruption. But I can’t find that supported in the game text. Anyone know if that’s still the rule, or do we just leave +4’s as +4’s?

6 thoughts on “What happens when a faction hits +4?”

  1. In the advancement section, it states that you can’t raise a Faction or stat score past +3, and the only options that specifically let you raise any score past +3 are corruption advances. I don’t see why the end of session faction-shuffling would let you break that limit?

    Edit: Also there’s no such thing as xp in this game.

  2. I guess its baggage from AW. Where when it hits 4 you would reset. My worry is that a player spends time with a faction in the fiction and then has that experience invalidated in the end of session move by not being able to increase their faction status.

  3. If a player super saturates one faction for their character, that doesn’t actually help them in any real way. They still need to mark all factions, and are gonna be rolling low for all those other ones.

  4. Aaron Berger I would think of it more like the character is spending time to maintain there awesomely high relation with a specific faction. These things decay over time (which is how I rationalise it when people reduce factions they haven’t done much with) so keeping it at +3 involves some effort. This is a meta-explanation of course but it might allow your player to accept it. They also get good game specific information about a faction through the fiction if they spend a lot of time with them so it is not like they get nothing out of it.

  5. There are always narrative benefits for high ranks in a faction, even if it can’t go beyond 3.

    Younger/less influential NPCs come to your character to ask for an introduction to big players, trading favours. Big players know to trust you, giving you tasks for a chance at debts you couldn’t have gotten before. Maybe even some standing or a rank in the fairy courts, for example.

    It also makes you a potential threat, which means someone is going to try and take you down-high faction rank doesn’t mean everyone is your friend, just that you are known. Remind the players that they can’t exist in a bubble-they need to interact with other factions. Like if wolves kidnap your daughter, only the night will have an idea where she is.

    These are just my rambles, I’m sure you can come up with more of your own.

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