9 thoughts on ““There was a button,” Holden said. “I pushed it.””

  1. Rob Barrett …and now I’m remembering that recent series of posts about how Vulcan science students don’t think Doc Brown (from Back To The Future) is funny because to them all Human STEM types are Doc Brown…

  2. Oh, one tweak you could do, especially with the “There was a button I pushed it.” philosophy is to make Holden a Rustic Military Explorer, and give him “Recklessness” from Explorer rather than “Weightless” from Starfarer. (Recklessness is basically “flip a coin for amazing success or spectacular failure”)

  3. Yeah, Sean Gomes, I wasn’t sure what careers to give a former space navy lieutenant who was drummed out after punching a superior officer and ended up as XO on an ice-hauler. Neither Explorer nor Spacefarer really suits. (Whereas former Martian navy pilot turned commercial long-hauler Alex Kamal is an obvious Military Spacefarer.)

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