So here’s one of those less than sane plot bunnies that has been nibbling on my cerebral cortex for a while,…

So here’s one of those less than sane plot bunnies that has been nibbling on my cerebral cortex for a while,…

So here’s one of those less than sane plot bunnies that has been nibbling on my cerebral cortex for a while, insisting that I mix my fandoms in ways that ought not be done. Bear with me for a moment.

There’s this little rpg called Monkey, put out by D101 Games. Think “Journey to the West” and you’ll have the right idea. It includes a variant campaign idea centered around the Ministry of Thunder, which is basically community service for the gods…cleaning up high level messes and battling demons on the Mortal Plane until you’ve worked off all those demerits. There’s also a rather funny anime called Saiyuki which is a variant on JttW that takes some amusing liberties with the original–lots of modern touches, including a dragon that turns into a jeep. Finally, there’s Kylie Chan’s Dark Heavens trilogy which is urban fantasy chock full of Chinese mythos (and also the Road to Wudan trilogy which follows Dark Heavens).

So here’s the plot bunny: Masks, Ministry of Thunder style. Pull a Batman Animated Series by pulling everything cool over about a fifty year period into one vaguely retro setting–big-screen sepia tvs. Airships. ENIAC sized supercomputers. Lots of Roaring 20’s Shanghai thrown in for good measure. Make our young heroes godlings or worthy mortals (Beacon) or demons switching sides (Delinquent and/or Reformed) or even gods-turned-into-demons (Transformed). Turn ’em loose in San Fransokyo, crank the soundtrack up to eleven, and have them report in to the Duke of Thunder every so often.

Crazy enough for you? (grin)

5 thoughts on “So here’s one of those less than sane plot bunnies that has been nibbling on my cerebral cortex for a while,…”

  1. Dragon that turns into a jeep…

    I’m in. Can we start tonight? I’ll be over at 5. I’ll bring potato chips.

    Carp! I just realized that I don’t actually know you…or where you live. Plus I’m busy tonight and can’t get out of it. Too bad. it would have been awesome.

    Maybe next time. Till then I’ll follow your exploits on G+

  2. Charles Moore Alas, this’d have to be online as I suspect we are widely distributed across geographical space. (grin) If it weren’t for play by post, I would never get half of the gaming in that I do. Too many cool ideas, too few players, nowhere near enough time.

  3. Okay, gang, apologies for the slight silence…been a rough week what with fighting off a cold et cetera. I’m getting this thing together shortly. Intent is to use play by forum, either RPOL or Tavern Keeper. If you’ve got preferences, better mention ’em now!

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