Is there a reason the Hunter’s shotgun does less damage than all the other shotguns on gear lists, and they don’t…

Is there a reason the Hunter’s shotgun does less damage than all the other shotguns on gear lists, and they don’t…

Is there a reason the Hunter’s shotgun does less damage than all the other shotguns on gear lists, and they don’t get a haft/handle weapon as powerful as the basic sword on other lists (both 3-harm)?

I understand that, with their customization, they can get more damage to make them equal – are hunter weapons supposed to be on par with other weapons, so if they have one of the chosen advantages, they are weaker harm-wise than their counterparts for balance? Or are they supposed to be beefier and better?

Would it be unbalanced to make them match other weapons and then take the harm increases of the table as options?

10 thoughts on “Is there a reason the Hunter’s shotgun does less damage than all the other shotguns on gear lists, and they don’t…”

  1. Um. I’m not particularly social-media-y. Is there some setting that changes I need to change that makes me see people’s comments as periods, or are people just commenting with a period – and what does that mean?

  2. Sorry, commenting with a period just indicates that someone wants to follow the conversation.

    (Commenting with anything at all means we get updates whenever anybody responds, and a period is quick and easy to type. I’ve heard it used to refer to the hole of a thumbtack, like from pinning a newspaper clipping to the wall. Some of us are too lazy to use the actual thumbtack emoji!)

  3. Just went and checked the rules. You can still build a Hunter sword that does 3 harm (or even a shotgun that does 4!), but you also have the option to give up damage for specialization. (A 2-harm cold iron shotgun may be sufficient to dispatch a fae NPC in one shot.) I’m surprised to see you can’t make a melee weapon as powerful as the starting sword other archetypes get without giving up ALL specialization (and I guess it’s more of a morningstar than a sword with blades AND a head), but Hunters do also have access to a move to do +1 harm with every weapon. You could start the game with a sword that does just as much harm as anybody else’s, AND some other cool thing.

    I think the short answer is that, unless this was an oversight (and you’d have to ask the designers about that … I think they’re around here somewhere…), this setup allows Hunters to hit just as hard or harder without letting anybody walk around dishing out more harm than a grenade with every swing of their sword.

  4. Oh, and I just realized that the Hunter also has a move to add an additional upgrade to each signature weapon, so they can totally get that +3 sword crafted from cold iron right at the start of the game, if they want. But starting the melee weapons at 3-harm would mean letting them get up to 6 harm + a special effect, which is kind of overkill. (I mean, you could kill the Tainted’s patron with that in my game.)

    And personally, I’d also let someone with the Veteran’s workshop move upgrade those weapons even further, within reason.

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