Just a quick credit system for a game not based around cargo trading.

Just a quick credit system for a game not based around cargo trading.

Just a quick credit system for a game not based around cargo trading. I have not used this precisely in play, but will over the next few weeks.

BUY (+Credit)

When you demand important services or Assets from a market able to supply those demands, Roll+Credit you’re willing to pay for it.

On a 10+, the deal goes through.

On a 7-9, the deal will only go through if you pay a higher cost, perform a task, or accept a lesser asset/service instead of what you asked for.

SELL (+Cargo)

When you sell cargo for the Credit it is worth, Roll+the class of the Cargo.

On a 10+, you receive Credit equal to the Cargo’s class

On a 7-9, you receive Credit equal to the Cargo’s class, but the GM chooses one:

• It is local credit, not good outside this system, planet, city, or market

• You will need to deliver the Cargo somewhere before payment

• Selling this specific Cargo draws unwelcome attention


When you exchange Credit, local or otherwise, for Cargo or other forms of Credit, Roll +1 if you’ve successfully done business in this market, -1 if you’re done business but it didn’t go so well, or +0 otherwise.

On a 10+ the exchange goes through as expected

One a 7-9, the exchange happens, but the GM chooses one:

• They don’t have as much as you asked for

• The cost or exchange rate is lower than expected

I’m still looking side-eyed at some of this, and will probably wing the 7-9 and 6- results to see if anything solidifies in play

7 thoughts on “Just a quick credit system for a game not based around cargo trading.”

  1. Neat! Was never able to get any of my Weath-moves really take off (back when UW was much closer to Apocalypse World with Jingle), so I’d be super interested to hear about your results!

  2. This group doesn’t want to deal with cargo, they want to do jobs for pay and use that pay for Stuff. I might actually suggest some way to pay off Faction Debt with Credit. We’ll see.

  3. When you are going to buy your freedom from attachments, roll+Cred spent:

    10+ 1 point of Debt settled. Everyone walks his way.

    7-9 Erase 1 point of Debt and choose one:

    – It costs 1 more Cred.

    – Settled for now, but they don’t like it and they will actively look for ways to entangle you again.

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