Hi, Nth question about the Vamp’s Web.

Hi, Nth question about the Vamp’s Web.

Hi, Nth question about the Vamp’s Web.

We know that it activates during play, that is, debts earned through character creation don’t count.

Both PCs and NPCs can enter a Web, and when they do, they owe a debt to the Vamp.

What about if a PC/NPC asks direclty for a favour? They enter the web and owe one, or two (one for the faour, one for the move)?

And, what about if a PC cashes in a debt with the Vamp?

Let’s say my Orcale friend calls me (comes to me) to find who wants to murder her, cashing a debt I owe her. Now, she looks like Salma Hayek, so I would help her anyway, but rulez iz rulez…

Which move is this? Cashing in? Enter the Web? Or both?

In the end, we decide to erase MY debt, and make her enter the web, plus she owes me one.

I’d like it to be this way, showing how parasitic the Vamp is.

3 thoughts on “Hi, Nth question about the Vamp’s Web.”

  1. I wouldn’t trigger the Web move when somebody cashes a Debt on a vamp, because calling in a marker that the Vamp owes doesn’t feel like “doing a favor” to me.

    “But James,” I hear you say. “The move text for Cash in a Debt calls that use of a debt ‘Do you a favor (at moderate cost).'”

    Yes, sure, but right above that there’s the ‘Do Someone a Favor’ debt move which says the same thing. Should you owe someone a debt every time you cash one in, just because they’re doing you a favor that they owe you anyway? I don’t think so. And I treat the Web the same way; that ‘do them a favor’ clause is an extension of the basic debt move of the same name to me, not an entirely separate move, so it operates by the same logic. For the same reason, they only owe you one debt rather than two.

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