Legacy: Mirrors in the Ruins is now in print!

Legacy: Mirrors in the Ruins is now in print!

Originally shared by Jay Iles

Legacy: Mirrors in the Ruins is now in print!

It looks lovely in person – I think DTRPG have really upped their print quality and the art is striking. This means you can also pick up all of the Legacy line to date in print and PDF using this bundle: http://www.drivethrurpg.com/product/195641/Legacy-Life-Among-the-Ruins-Print-BUNDLE?hot60=0&src=hnum

The one thing you can’t get in print yet is character sheets. One idea I’ve been tossing around is that DriveThru do cards in US letter size (8.5″ x 11″) so you could get the playbooks and move reference sheets in full colour for ~$7 + shipping. If that would interest you, let me know and I’ll get working on testing it out!
