Dumb question. How do you pronounce Halcyon? Would love to know how “cy” is handled (see, sigh, hard C like K?) and which syllable gets the greater emphasis.
Dumb question.
Dumb question.
Dumb question.
Dumb question. How do you pronounce Halcyon? Would love to know how “cy” is handled (see, sigh, hard C like K?) and which syllable gets the greater emphasis.
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en.wikipedia.org – Halcyon (genus) – Wikipedia
Was driving me crazy – thank you! And thank you Pompeius Pomponius for answering a question I didn’t know I had – what the heck is a Halcyon?
A Halcyon is an idyllic period of great peace.
One might say a “Golden Age”
A nice example of usage, from the Bleach manga no less, “Goodbye Halcyon Days”