4 thoughts on “What does the community think about villains who come with their own game rules, not just villain moves?”

  1. That’s a custom move, they’re fairly common within the PbtA world. they can take the form of “When X happens, Do Y”, but if you want it to feel more like a move, clean up the phrasing (Maybe put some of the text into a post-script GM note or something like that) or turn it into a rolling move, similar to take a powerful blow, like…

    “When Breakbeat fully powers up, roll + (Superior or maybe Freak, or maybe roll + Conditions, and do the 10+ is bad thing, which would just require flipping the text around) on a hit, you fall in synch with their movements, on a 7-9 also choose 1 (Insert list of unpleasant things). on a miss, choose one of these instead (Insert list of even more unpleasant options)

  2. Just another method; when you give your villain a move like: dodge everyone not in synch with them

    than you can just have them dodge everyone that doesn’t spend the effort. You can just say that and it will happen. Giving a -1/+1 isn’t as exciting to me in that regard. All of that can be done narratively without any problem.

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