MC’d a session of the Sprawl last Friday night.

MC’d a session of the Sprawl last Friday night.

MC’d a session of the Sprawl last Friday night. It was first time in a long time I’ve run any game and the first time I’ve ever MC’d any PBTA game. It went over really well and I thought I’d share my experience.

The team was rolling crazy high. The whole night there were only two 6- results. They stuck with their strengths and followed the plan the soldier laid out at the start of the mission. A large number of their rolls were made with plus threes, a couple at plus four. I had Legwork and Action clock threat progressions set up, but they never came into play.

Big thanks to all of you for the inspiration you’ve all been.


4 thoughts on “MC’d a session of the Sprawl last Friday night.”

  1. So good I mean, I rad the book, but to be honest I am a little frightened of starting a campaign I keep thinking I will screw up thanks for the tips and all it helped a lot. I have one question, did you prepared the whole mission or just some characters?

  2. Friday consisted of world building, character creation and first mission.

    The Mission Prep was: Mr. Johnson found out his last team is selling him out. He needs to cut ties with his old team and interview a new team.”

    Most all of the details came from the players. I tried to get at least three details of each scene from them.

    I came up with a couple of NPC names and wrote down Legwork and Action clock escalation charts (which never came into play).

    Physical prep consisted of printing out the playbooks and enough handout/cheat sheets for everyone to use. I also got a big cup of coffee before we started.

    Worldbuilding/Character creation started a around 8pm and was complete by 9:30. the game ran until 1:30 AM. – The World and the Players

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