2 thoughts on “What Halcyon stuff have you had to come up with?”

  1. There are two President Rosevelt Avenues. Both running in paralel and crossing downtown, but one leads to west side and the other one leads to east zone. Usually Halcion natives call the avenues as Rosevelt East and Rosevelt West.

    And there are at least two shock jockeys talking trash about the heroes. And both casters are very popular. The conservative shock jockey is Todd Kenneth, nobody knows he was a sucessful mastermind villain called The Frequency and the liberal shock jockey is Amanda Sato-Yamakawa, illegitimate daughter from hero called “The Rising Sun” with his eternal girlfriend who didn’t knew Rising Sun was a married immortal man.

  2. The southwestern part of the city was devastated by a huge chasm opened by Dr. Nefarious’s Tectonic DisasteRay. The area has been largely abandoned, though a commune of mutants called the Fringe lives there.

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