I’m having trouble picturing the internal assassination implant (4-harm intimate slow implant).

I’m having trouble picturing the internal assassination implant (4-harm intimate slow implant).

I’m having trouble picturing the internal assassination implant (4-harm intimate slow implant). Can you guys help paint the picture for me?

What’s this look like? How does it work? How have you seen it in your games? Am I missing a really obvious reference? Violation Glove?

14 thoughts on “I’m having trouble picturing the internal assassination implant (4-harm intimate slow implant).”

  1. I had imagined a dental or lingual implant that produces a slow release poison capsule; you kill someone by slipping the capsule into their mouth during a kiss.

  2. I’m imagining a little drillbit that’s shoved under the skin when they’re unconscious. Leave a note that says “call this number every 3 hours or it moves towards your heart”.

  3. The inspiration was indeed the cybersnake from Hardwired. I changed the name to make it more general, and because “cybersnake” doesn’t really conjure up that image without further explanation anyway.

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