Anyone has any news on Rachel E.S.

Anyone has any news on Rachel E.S.

Anyone has any news on Rachel E.S. Walton ‘s The Long Orbit? This was supposed to be a stand-alone MH’s hack. I don’t think there has been any news on this for about a year or so. Hopefully Rachel is still planning on Kickstarting this.

PS: I’m crossposting this post with the Monsterhearts G+ community.

5 thoughts on “Anyone has any news on Rachel E.S.”

  1. Maybe Ariana Ramos knows something about the status of the game? If I’m not mistaken she ran a game online back in 2015. Rachel E.S. Walton seems to have been quite inactive at G+ for the last few months so I don’t know if she can can even comment on this (hopefully everything is fine with her).

  2. Hello! I’m alive and fine! <3

    I have been rather inactive here for the last few months, but I’m looking to get back into the swing of things more. I just came from the game convention Dreamation and ran The Long Orbit there for the first time in a while – it’s much easier to get back into the headspace of what still needs to be done on it after seeing it in action again. 😀 It doesn’t need major work in terms of game play and game design, but it does need work in terms of layout and writing up instructions and more art before I shove it towards a publisher or Kickstarter, which is daunting, but not at all impossible. I’m going to prioritize it for the next couple of months and see if I can get a lot of that done. Thank you for asking! <3

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