Hello everyone – I’m looking for some solid examples of using the face move “something you believe in”.

Hello everyone – I’m looking for some solid examples of using the face move “something you believe in”.

Hello everyone – I’m looking for some solid examples of using the face move “something you believe in”. It seems a fair bit harder to trigger than the heel move where you have to create a narrative of some sort within the bout as opposed to just simply breaking the rules.

4 thoughts on “Hello everyone – I’m looking for some solid examples of using the face move “something you believe in”.”

  1. I’m not sure that I have an in-game example, but for a real-world example – if you can look up the Sami Zayn vs. Neville NXT championship match, Sami Zayn’s playing an ultra-face who believes in winning the right way, opposed to Neville who, though a face, believes that you should take the opportunities presented to you. There’s an opportunity where Zayn has the option to cheat and there’s no way he could get caught…and Zayn chooses “something he believes in” and doesn’t take the opportunity. Zayn winds up winning the match, despite his refusal to take the low road.

    That might be an example that you could work off?

  2. It’s a good example however it still relies on the opportunity arising through other people’s actions in most counts. I suppose you could whip out a weapon and almost use it and then have a change of heart at the last minute…

  3. It is harder to use for sure (it’s easier to be a heel!). In games I’ve seen it most often triggered by a promo or otherwise talking to the camera or the audience to deliver the message of what they believe in. Others include refusing to use a weapon or otherwise cheat. It is very contextual!

    It doesn’t need to be a huge grandstanding moment. One opportunity to use it is to add a stipulation to a match. Say your wrestler is a blue-eyed good-sport kind of character. “Your buddies always interfere to get you the cheap win, but we all know that you aren’t willing to fight fair. I’ll wrestle you in a cage match!” would be standing up for something you believe in!

  4. I realised after the fact I could have used it in my previous game – getting payback for injuring my mentor – its something you need to be more conscious of in your bout narration. It is easier to be a heel…in life and wrestling

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