5 thoughts on “Has anyone played this in a country without guns?”

  1. I’ve played games set in my native New Zealand, where guns are pretty rarely seen. I never limited what monster hunters had available, but certainly toting them around in public was never an option (so it was just another way to complicate the monster hunters vs normal life side of mysteries).

    The hunter classes are partly differentiated by weaponry available, but changing that to be less firearm-centered would make no difference, as long as you there are similarly effective hand/magic/whatever weapons for each hunter.

  2. I have also played a game set in New Zealand and our access to guns was limited by our position, I believe our professional had firearms while the rest of us made do with our wits and cutting words.

  3. Our shared secret monster hunting agency campaign has dropped teams in a port in Canada, in a sleep Czech town, in Tel Aviv, and many other places, and it’s a bit charming that the teams have to adapt to the circumstances.

    My long-running team is working across the British Isles, and I don’t think a gun has been fired in more than one or two scenes yet – but when a fiery monster from the sea strides across the Orkneys, whatcha gonna do? Still, a team made up of Exile, Constructed, Summoned, and Spooky really has low reliance on guns. The Initiate and the Wronged had guns, but had to be really really careful about how and where to employ them.

  4. Probably the easiest thing would be to substitute in non-guns of roughly the same harm rating from other gear lists. Don’t worry too much about balancing them, just as long as they’re similar in size/savageness/style.

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