I’ll be finishing up my Savage Worlds Masks of Nyarlathotep campaign in a month or two (assuming they don’t tpk…

I’ll be finishing up my Savage Worlds Masks of Nyarlathotep campaign in a month or two (assuming they don’t tpk…

I’ll be finishing up my Savage Worlds Masks of Nyarlathotep campaign in a month or two (assuming they don’t tpk earlier. The cults are out for blood and totally aware of what the players are doing at this point) and polled my players on what they’d want to play next.

While Blades in the Dark, City of Mist and The World Wide Wrestling RPG were high votes; Kerberos Club won out.

So the version of KC that I own is Fate based but as this is a supers game I’ve been debating on using Worlds in Peril because I am itching to do something pbta.

Both of these systems would be new to us but I was just trying to get some input on peoples’ experiences with Fate vs WiP as I have only skimmed both briefly.

I think eventually I’d like to also do some stuff with Masks in the Kerberos Club setting as well. Strange Victorian teen supers not being taken seriously enough by elder members of the club while trying to hide their weird natures from parents, friends, and the world at large could be cool.

Anyway, Worlds in Peril vs Fate for supers, thoughts?

Thanks in advance!

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