If you’re in the NYC area and able to get to Brooklyn, the 20 Sided Store is running a four-week season of WWWRPG in…

If you’re in the NYC area and able to get to Brooklyn, the 20 Sided Store is running a four-week season of WWWRPG in…

If you’re in the NYC area and able to get to Brooklyn, the 20 Sided Store is running a four-week season of WWWRPG in March!

For a wrestling fan, there’s no greater time than Starr Wrestling Alliance’s biggest show of the year: the Ultimate Showdown. The lights are brighter, the crowds are bigger, and the pressure to put on a memorable show is greater than any other time. And with owner and CEO Ben Starr making a surprise announcement to kick off the Countdown to Showdown, this year promises to be bigger than ever before. So lace up your boots and step into the squared circle, and be ready to dance. Your career could depend on it.

Sounds fun!


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