Hello Everyone!

Hello Everyone!

Hello Everyone! It’s a pleasure to meet you all. I am running my very first MASKS game tomorrow and I was wondering if anyone had any tips or pointers for this game.

Also, I understand the want to keep Halycon City vague so the players and GM can insert their idea upon it but is there like a rough map that has been created or that is in the works?

7 thoughts on “Hello Everyone!”

  1. I found a map that I liked — Emerald City from Mutants & Masterminds — and I did some tracing and editing and such to turn it into a blank slate we can fill in details for in my home campaign. I would recommend doing something like that.

  2. There isn’t a map for it, but a good thing to keep in mind is that Halcyon City is supposed to have everything. Think of it as Gotham City, Metropolis, and NYC all rolled into one big package. So making a full map for the city might be a bit impractical 😉

    I don’t have any tips unfortunately. I’m in the middle of playing in a Masks game and running another, so I’m still learning and seeing what works (and what doesn’t work).

  3. I’m sure there are folks better qualified to give advice in these parts, but if I’m to impart a tip, it’s get comfortable with identifying triggers for Moves.

    Years of traditional RPGs have taught us to make the players roll every time they try to do something. But that’s not how Masks works. Only actions that fulfill the requirements of the Move trigger that Move.

    The best example is Engage a Threat. If your hero is taking on a bunch of lowlife thugs that have no chance of hurting him, taking them on would not trigger the Move. The hero just does it.

    Now, if the GM decides that one of the thugs could, say, potentially grab an innocent bystander as a hostage, or engaging with them could alert their master villain boss, that’s another story.

  4. Best plan: Find a random superhero/villan name generator, copy the frist 10 names for each that sound cool somewhere, and use their names as clues to how their powers work and what it does. Sweet jesus you have no idea how much easier it is when you can throw in a new hero/villan when you need one in a scene that isn’t connected to any of the other players.

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