6 thoughts on “Update!”

  1. It’s even further in the future where the human body is a vessel for anyone’s mind. Nueorchips in addition to feeding people the hybrid reality also house the entirety of the human mind. Those minds that were housed in outdated Nuerochips are being decanted into Slacks; bodies that have a Nueorchip with no mind residing in them.

    You play a mind decanted into one such Slack with an outdated Neurochip and there’s a side effect: memory loss, and you’re someone out of time.

    I’m changing up how XP will work, I’m introducing 2 new playbooks and 4 compendium type classes I’m calling “plugins” thanks to Aaron Griffin. I’m also paying a Phd candidate to unpack Cyberpunk as a genre. I go in depth about moving characters from The Veil to Cascade, how to build a setting from playbooks first to making a setting first and choosing after. And I’ve provided a ready made adventure starter in future Taipei involving the players investigating a death.

    I’m really excited about it!

  2. araccin dest it’ll be a kickstarter for sure, I want to get some stretch goals lined up from other designers, more artwork from Ale who did The Veil, and pay the phd student a good wage for her writing as well as hopefully even have her expand on it even more than what I could afford otherwise.

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