I’m a big fan of the MC move “Turn their move back on them”.
But I have sometimes have trouble coming up with an application during the game!
My favorite use so far:
Midnight the Battlebabe was trying to convince an NPC (member of the Chopper’s gang) that “maybe” she should hook up with Dallas (the Gunlugger).
When she missed the roll, I had the NPC reply:
“Hey Midnight, you know, you’re always going on and on ’bout Dallas… How many years have you two known each others? Why aren’t YOU hooking up with HIM?”
Midnight’s player blinked… twice. She stuttered, then stopped and looked at me, “B-but! He’s like a big brother to me”, as if trying to convince herself, as she contemplated the possibility.
I grinned and offered her an XP, should she decide to ask the Gunlugger out.
Sadly, she didn’t take me up on the offer. Oh well, the campaign is only two sessions in!
So , tell me, what are YOUR favorite, coolest, usual and/or fall-back uses for that MC move?
Not sure, if it’s such a great example, for a failed Read a situation, I told the player she saw something that convinced her the ennemies were going to attack from the opposite diction.