Another question for this class community When you finally complete the Drives list in the Beacon Playbook, if you change playbooks (rather than retire), does it count as an advance or are you in effect getting access to a third Playbook?
Another question for this class community ;) When you finally complete the Drives list in the Beacon Playbook, if…
Another question for this class community When you finally complete the Drives list in the Beacon Playbook, if…
For simplicities sake i’d say it counts as an advance. You could play all the time until you have the chance to change your playbook a third time but at that time you really should retire your character.
Getting all your drives completed can be up to 20XP, so I’d say if your character ain’t grown up yet, it ain’t gonna happen.
Thanks a million for the help. Can you change Playbooks a third time? i.e. can you take an Advancement under the line more than once? That’s why I thought the Beacon was a stealth way of gaining three Playbooks;)
You can’t take any advance more than once by the rules as written. But rule zero says you can do whatever you like.
So RAW it’s still two Playbooks max including filling out the Beacon’s Drives? My group will push the game limits to breaking point
That’s correct. And just for certainties’ sake, the Drives thing is directly addressed in the Beacon section of the book, page 94:
“If you change playbooks, mark that advance like normal, and switch your character to the new playbook.”
If you really want the cheeky RAW path to three playbooks, it’s the Doomed. Their ‘change playbooks’ advance is differently worded, so the normal one is still unmarked after they change.
Haha! That’s AMAZING/ Horrific!!!!