Fantasy Races Hack here:
Like many people, I’ve hacked up some fantasy race rules for my The Sprawl game. I’ve tried to avoid the traditional +1/-1 mechanics for fantasy races. I’m hoping the tags on each race will help shape the ficton in ways that are interesting and fun.
+thermographic vision
Starts with cyberware “muscle graft” without installation/storyline
+low light vision
Move – Play the Game:
Use Meat instead of Edge when you play Hardball.
+thermographic vision
The Network
Move may be during legwork phase once per mission
7-9: gain [gear] from a dwarf contact, choose one below:
It costs you some Cred
Your contact needs a bigger than normal Favor
Your “aunt” hears about your request. Advance the action clock 1 step.
+low light vision
Glammer and Duggy
On a 7-9 with Hit the Street you only choose 1 negative result instead of 2
Standard Issue
Humans get a free +1 links with all other humans they’re working with. They get very defensive about this if you mention it to them.
The last one is