So, tonight i will hold a one shot urban shadows, about 3 hours of time and 2-3 players.

So, tonight i will hold a one shot urban shadows, about 3 hours of time and 2-3 players.

So, tonight i will hold a one shot urban shadows, about 3 hours of time and 2-3 players.

I was thinking to organize it as apocalypse world one shot, by defining a half backed dynamic situation and filling it with specific archetypes.

Does anyone has advice about some interesting situation, or about how to play an urban shadows one shot?

2 thoughts on “So, tonight i will hold a one shot urban shadows, about 3 hours of time and 2-3 players.”

  1. I would say treat it like a pilot episode and warn the players of that. You’re not going to be able to wrap up all the plot threads you generate through chargen and the start of session rules. But at least try to tie off one as the climactic scene.

  2. Provoke! If you can get an idea of what playbooks will be in play first and what angles they’re looking for, fantastic. Regardless, conjure up a half dozen quirky characters as NPCs, write them on a bit of paper with the player names, and look to make those sweet sweet PC – NPC – PC triangles start grinding together and throwing sparks.

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