The first update for March is out!

The first update for March is out!

Originally shared by Adrian Thoen

The first update for March is out!

Mostly this is quality of life changes that remove ambiguity in many situations.


-Removed legacy references to med kits and repair kits.

-Rewrote Hooks for various Hooks to make them more evocative and engaging.

-Made it more clear what a Background is, and rewrote parts of several Backgrounds.

-Rewrote instructions for writing Foibles at character creation.

-Created and introductory page for the Archetype and Ship playbooks.

-Made the writing of Foibles as optional when directed to do so by a Calamity or Move. Directions now read “You may write a Foible”

3 thoughts on “The first update for March is out!”

  1. So I love this game idea and most about it, but I don’t know if the playbooks match the theme. It’s definitely star wars, but I was hoping for Firefly. Where are the non combatty type of characters. Like the loveable quirky Kaylee’s and O’Brian’s that repair everything , the sarcastic optimistic pilots that just have to do this job and aren’t even sure why they are here, or the the stoic the doctors that wonder why they signed up for this stupid job. or pilots. All of them seem wrapped up in the expert. A crew in this game could have lots of people that want to be the expert. It’s more guardians of the galaxy, less care for the ship more kill things or steal things. Am I wrong in this or did I miss something? I would love to see some archetypes that cator to all the tasks you do on a ship as your float around in space. This way you can create a more light hearted but still interpersonal drama game without the focus only.on the killing and most likely doing bad things for money.

  2. Thanks for the feedback Keenan Kibrick ! I think you’re absolutely right in many of your points.

    I could definitely see a particular custom ship and suite of characters that have less combat focus creating the game you’re talking about.Although the stakes for many of the basic moves would be very different with less of a combat focus too.

    Of all the inspiring media I drew from, Firefly was really the odd duck, for all of the reasons you pointed out. violence in Firefly rarely solves anything, and the characters involved often come off very poorly from it. Being an engineer means barely keeping a real piece of junk limping along.

    I would also love to play the game you’ve described, but at this point, Impulse Drive is not that game. It may have moments that brush up against Firefly, but the rules will always steer you back into cheesy space adventure.

    What I took from Firefly was the sense of staying one step ahead of disaster, and having several interests spiraling down on you. (And River is a combination of the Outsider and the Tempest)

    A game that may be much closer to what you’re looking for is John Harper’s Lady Blackbird.

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