I swear I posted this but I can’t see it on here.

I swear I posted this but I can’t see it on here.

I swear I posted this but I can’t see it on here. Anyways, after watching Beetlejuice I was inspired to hash out a quick Skin. The Macabre, something like an alternative for the Mortal, a bit of a medium, a little bit of a spooky kid.

10 thoughts on “I swear I posted this but I can’t see it on here.”

  1. I like it. I’ve never been too fond of the codependency of The Mortal. And while The Neighbor has proven to be blast to play. Bumbling into one problem after another and being hapless. I rather like the spin on this “non” supernatural character.

  2. I’m so glad you do! I’m not some clever designer but it turns out the Key is pretty useful to describe a variety of relationships, is the Key your true love, hero, enemy, obsession, or just someone you’re using to see more weird shit?

    Your Average Medium is open enough too that you, as a player, can make your character as empathetic or freaky as you please. Use it to talk down a werewolf in full beast mode, or use it to talk to that book made out of skin you found in the cellar. Your ability bypasses the need for a mouth to get a reply.

    In contrast you can be totally human, just with a bit of knowledge because you’ve seen so many horror movies.

  3. I have been beset upon by work deadlines coupled with a move. So my gaming has been curtailed to almost nothing of late. Though I am fiending to do a bit of MH ASAP.

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