Hello, folks!

Hello, folks!

Hello, folks! While Andrew Medeiros and I are playing the waiting game while we wait a few more days for funds to clear, we’re still working on other stuff, including figuring out art notes for that whole bunch of new art that we didn’t anticipate getting to hire from Claudia!

While this is in no way a guarantee that they’ll be used, we’d sure be interested in hearing suggestions for what you’d like to see in interior illustrations!

18 thoughts on “Hello, folks!”

  1. I’d love to see the relaxation moves depicted. Which is hard to pull off, I’m sure, but it’s the kind of thing you never see in games as art.

  2. As part of relaxation

    One or more people playing an instrument, with or without other people singing.

    Someone mending something, sewing a patch or a shoe

    Someone making something: knitting, embroidery, sewing, basket making, etc

    Someone styling someone else’s hair

  3. One character getting progressively more Jaded.

    Rank insignias, if such things are used.

    Order papers.

    Landscapes for some of the places on the map.

  4. Women who look unglamourous. Grotesque women. Old women. Ugly women. Women with unphotogenic battle scars. Women in battle, their faces twisted by fury and hatred.

    Draw a woman that you’re afraid of.

    Draw women that the Shadow would hate and fear.

  5. The eulogy move:

    I picture the woman warriors gathered at night with grief striken faces. One of them is holding a torch. The body of their fallen sister in arms is resting on a wooden funeral pire. Awaiting to be consumed be the flames.


    Enbies who aren’t pretty. Enbies who don’t “pass.” Draw someone breastfeeding, someone who’s pregnant. Someone taking care of a young child. Someone playing a practical joke on someone else.

    Make the book ten thousand pages long, with an incredibly intricate and expensive illustration on every single page, or else.

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