So, Impossible Fighting Skills from The Protege.

So, Impossible Fighting Skills from The Protege.

So, Impossible Fighting Skills from The Protege. Have y’all seen any especially cool spins on this ability at the table? I’ve seen some clever versions of the Janus’s Impossible Mobility (superspeed, altering personal gravity, dissolving into mist), but with the fighting skills thing I’ve only ever seen ‘really good at martial arts.’ I’m curious to hear some weirder interpretations that have popped up.

7 thoughts on “So, Impossible Fighting Skills from The Protege.”

  1. Our Protege doesn’t have Impossible Fighting Skills but his Mentor does, and she has some kind of magical ESP that gives her probability vision. She fights you by using all the best moves from every potential world in which you guys fight, which we’ve expanded (by following the fiction) into this annoying as hell future-vision detective thing. Though, she can’t see anything that involves our Outsider, even peripherally, which is a fun loophole.

  2. Same as above, but Punchline the mentor has the 1930s-50s “One Punch penultimate panel KO”.

    I’ve also used it for a protege who had Shinobi-style Scarf Fighting. Could even run along its huge length to climb surfaces.

  3. I’ve seen people do stuff like Daredevil, where they have some extra senses that make it impossible for folks to sneak up on them/take them by surprise. Or Kickass, where they don’t feel pain. 😀

  4. Someone who could fight any number of opponents…ANY number. I’m thinking of the type of stuff in wuxia films… Matrix Reloaded, Neo vs Agent Smiths.

    You can also be a skill mimic. Any fight you witness you can duplicate

    Or what about Ty Lee from Avatar the Last Airbender where you can paralyse people by blocking their chi.

    Speaking chi… something like Iron Fist

  5. In the TV show ALPHAS there is a character named Cameron and he is their “impossible fighter.” He has what could be described as superhuman hand-eye coordination. When everything is working right, he’s like Marvel’s Bullseye: he never misses. This is also in some versions of DC’s Oliver Queen.

    Another permutation of “impossible fighting skills” would be the original Deadpool. I’m not sure when he got ret-conned, but Deadpool from the movie X-Men Origins: Wolverine is more in line with that original version. Deadpool has the mutant ability to know how to kill anything with any object he touches. If that object was a weapon, he instantly became a master of that weapon and could use it in “impossible” ways. Hence the scene where Deadpool takes out a room full of machine gun-toting soldiers with two swords. He uses his swords impossibly to deflect every bullet into a target of his choosing. He even cuts a bullet in two with his sword.

    A person with impossible fighting skills and the right weapon (a lightsaber or Nth metal mace or the Green Destiny sword) is a force to be reckoned with.

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