Fans looking for a current monster hunting show for inspiration could do worse than Grimm; a show that could easily…

Fans looking for a current monster hunting show for inspiration could do worse than Grimm; a show that could easily…

Fans looking for a current monster hunting show for inspiration could do worse than Grimm; a show that could easily be played as a Monster-of-the -Week campaign. It just ended a respectable six year run and five of the seasons are currently free to watch on Amazon, and I’ll bet the last season will join soon.

As far as things still on the air I’m a fan of iZombie and it could inspire a MotW universe as well. I think past seasons are currently free of that show on Netflix.

And who could forget Supernatural which directly inspired MotW? That show may outlive me…

As for upcoming shows I have big hopes for STARZ’s American Gods, based on my favorite Neil Gaiman novel…

What television shows can you recommend for Monster of Week inspiration?

20 thoughts on “Fans looking for a current monster hunting show for inspiration could do worse than Grimm; a show that could easily…”

  1. Another one would be Attack on Titan. A giant monster mystery would be awesome and the Motw mystery outline easily fits it. The stages would be the monster rampaging through the city and characters trying to stall/investigate.

  2. Another one I almost forgot . . . while there are lots of supernatural shows that probably edge closer to general urban fantasy rather than monster hunting, I’d say Charmed is still on the Monster of the Week side of things for the most part.

  3. In addition to Buffy, there’s Angel and the whole “Angel Investigations” thing that would make a great MotW game.

    Scooby Doo, with a little reimagining could be a mobile group of hunters.

  4. Almost forgot the (fairly recently) departed Constantine, which is especially noteworthy since it was the lead in to Grimm for a while but couldn’t get the ratings NBC wanted from it.

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