Hi All

Hi All

Hi All,

pondering running this at a convention. Anyone got tips for that? I have around 4 Hours and in the experiences I had so far thats not quiet enough to cretate Setting + Characters and finish an adventure. I will propably use the Derelict Jumppoint and Pregen Characters. But how do you handle the Setting questions like “What ship just appeared” etc?

6 thoughts on “Hi All”

  1. I’m a big fan of the ‘play to find out’ meme. So, I would leave that question to one of the players. As the MC, you still have control over your moves and whether the players conjure up a little rock hopper or a pirate battle cruiser it just gives you more tools and color to add to the story. It’s easy enough to make whatever comes in just as doomed (or more so) than the players. “Just appeared” can also mean coming over the horizon while drifting in orbit as another victim.

  2. I do tend to establish very generic factions and put them on the pre-gen character sheet. Stuff that anyone familiar with sci fi will grok right away (Merchant Consortium, Space Pirates, Star Navy, High-Tech Cabal).

    Everything else is playing off the players’ assumptions about how those four work. I’ve run one-shots where the Star Navy were the fascist Empire-like villains, and others where the Merchant Consortium was a Theocratic Plutocracy that ruled the galaxy through Space Capitalism.

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