Far Beyond Humanity Weekly Update #11

Far Beyond Humanity Weekly Update #11

Far Beyond Humanity Weekly Update #11

Managed to get quite a bit done on the final chapter, despite the family visiting over the Easter weekend (Happy Easter/Paschal Greetings to you folks that celebrate it!)

The most important thing I managed to get was a solid grip on the Trauma section. Without it, I couldn’t advance.


Rewrote most of the Magic section to flow better and get the concept across with less fluff/story. Also clarified how stats interact with magic.


Putting together a GM section on how to run major villains, for those who want a more drawn out combat. It leverages the layered/multi-threat tech that was used for starship battles. A villain is a ball of threats that cover each other’s flanks, making it impossible to attack them from any front. Each defense has to be circumvented to have a shot at The Weak Spot for Massive Damage.


I decided that I would represent Trauma as a personal villain, leveraging the Threats system to make an active, mindless Threat that was always vexing and disrupting the character. Trauma would need to be more than a mere injury, it would need to be an Antagonist, one that the character would have to heroically overcome again and again.

As a Threat, the Trauma repeatedly and regularly afflicts the character with varied minor debilities (aches, insomnia, dizziness, confusion, etc), depending on whether it’s a Physical Trauma or a Psychological Trauma. The minor debilities follow the usual debility/healing rules, and can be cured with a Patch Up, which represents medicating the symptoms (rather than treating the cause).

So far I’m quite happy about how well the mechanics are meshing with the existing mechanics of Threats, Debilities/Healing, etc. I invite you to take a look at Chapter 3 in the previews and tell me what you think. Especially if you see anything problematic in my phrasing or concepts.

What’s Next

I’m going to try to finish up the Villains and Trauma sections before moving on to more fantastical elements. Also, if anyone is a Sci-Fi Horror buff, ping me or post in this thread, I’d love to pick your brain. (grrr braaaaaaains).



6 thoughts on “Far Beyond Humanity Weekly Update #11”

  1. I have just discovered this and I’m really curious about a few things. Forgive me if these have already been covered!

    Is this going to replace the original book, or just supplement it? I’m really excited about some of the things that are going to be in this, including aliens and “magic”. 🙂

    Is this going to get kickstarted for publication? I LOVE the cover art quite a bit. 🙂

  2. This is going to be a supplement to the original book. It’s intended to be an a la carte addition to the base game (i.e. you only pick and add the aspects your table wants to have).

    As for publication, it’ll be published as Print On Demand as well as PDF. At the present time I don’t have any plans for a Hardcover print run (because the logistics of shipping was awful last time).

  3. Excellent. Really looking forward to it.

    I was hoping for a shiny print run, but I can survive. 🙂 I missed the original run for the book, so just have a pod copy and the pdf.

  4. Yesssss Multi-threat Villains! I think I’ve made it very clear how I feel about this idea over my time in this group 😉 so I’m very happy to see this idea get the official treatment 😀 I also absolutely love the idea of Trauma as an antagonist. Brilliant!

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