About to do session 0 tomorrow as a player. Long time gamer but brand new to PBtA.

About to do session 0 tomorrow as a player. Long time gamer but brand new to PBtA.

About to do session 0 tomorrow as a player. Long time gamer but brand new to PBtA.

Depending on how our world building goes, I’m really digging the Tech playbook. I am having some issues understanding it though due to my comprehension of the system.

The expert fields usually provide a mechanical bonus, but is the rest of the bonus mostly narrative? (This guy used to work at a chiba clinic etc.)

The cyberarm lets you modify things. So can you combine that with expert to modify explosives, cyberware, drugs, drones, or whatever?

Is there a way to really combine lots of flavorful cyberware with the tech?

In our world I want to explore replicants or android drones and what they mean to society. So I kinda want to play a splicer tech to really hammer that home but am a little usure of its use outside of the free cyberware. I also want to maybe take another expert and be a pyrotechnic to explore an anarchy theme.
