So, just finishing to read the main book and planning a Monday game, I have some questions:

So, just finishing to read the main book and planning a Monday game, I have some questions:

So, just finishing to read the main book and planning a Monday game, I have some questions:

– Has anyone written something in the way of races? I am thinking less fantasy more androids/transumans/clones (I am coming from Interface Zero)

– I noticed that there are no drawbacks of using cyber implants. I was thinking something like NAS (from Johnny Mnemonic) or loss of Essence

– Is there a good recorded session in audio or video so I can see how the game is ran? First time running a PBTA game, could use some examples.

Thanks, and troll the respawn Jerry.

10 thoughts on “So, just finishing to read the main book and planning a Monday game, I have some questions:”

  1. In my game we have a MegaCorp that has manufactured a nanomachine-based “BioTech Pharmaceutical” that people with cyberware take to combat the rejective properties of cyberware. They’ll be taking it for the rest of their lives or until they get their cyberware repo’d. It’s got some feel good drug name, but most folks call it The Pill.

    As for seeing The Sprawl in action, check out – The Sprawl | Roll20 Games Master Series – YouTube

  2. I’m watching the Roll20 game and it’s fantastic! Adam is easily my favorite online GM to watch.

    They do spend an inordinate amount of time discussing what their characters are wearing though, lol.

  3. You could probably handle the different “races” purely with fiction. No mechanics at all. Just say the character is a whatever and narrate things appropriately. Or possibly make a custom move if you really need one. I’m totally unfamiliar with Interface Zero so I can offer any suggestions.

    The drawbacks for cyberwear are the tags: either +hunted or +owned if someone else paid for it, or one of the negative tags if you bought it yourself.

  4. Chris Stone-Bush Yeah I was thinking on a more hurtful way, as in physical stuff.

    And I liked the little special flavor things that Dungeon World had for races. Aside from that, it’s totally doable by fiction only.

  5. Dungeon World style racial moves could totally work.

    +damaging is one of the negative tags a player can take if their character saved up for the cyberwear themselves.

    I would discuss both with your group though, as the MC isn’t solely responsible for the setting. Different “races” and physically damaging cyberwear might not be something they’re interested in exploring.

  6. Colin Spears It was a principle from the old Cyberpunk 2020 game too: “attitude is everything,” so your fashion and first-impressions count for a lot in how you impress or intimidate others in a cyberpunk world.

    A strong how-to-play video really helps RPGs these days.

  7. There is explicitly no drawbacks to technology itself in The Sprawl. Other cyberpunk games use essence or humanity loss to make a point about the dehumanizing influence of technology, and as a balancing mechanic. The Sprawl says that technology doesn’t make you less human, but it does cost a lot, any balance that might be required usually comes from the fictional consequences of character actions.

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