Hey friends – in the name of keeping y’all updated with my various projects, I wanted to drop a link to my new game…

Hey friends – in the name of keeping y’all updated with my various projects, I wanted to drop a link to my new game…

Hey friends – in the name of keeping y’all updated with my various projects, I wanted to drop a link to my new game Kickstarter. I do honestly think that if you like World Wide Wrestling, there’s a lot to like about Trouble For Hire!

It’s a game of serial road movie adventures that takes the idea of working-together-to-tell-a-story and systemizes it. There’s one central character, and the rest of the players take on “roles” that are things like villains, the world the hero is in, bystanders and background elements, the editor of the scene, etc etc. It has a similar nature of being a solid one-shot but also fun to play for a number of sessions (though they wouldn’t be as connected fictionally, it really is like a series of shared-world movies).

Anyway, if any of that sounds cool, give the campaign a look. And, as always, even if it’s not your thing, tell a friend!


4 thoughts on “Hey friends – in the name of keeping y’all updated with my various projects, I wanted to drop a link to my new game…”

  1. Question: I want the print book, but can I get a button as an add-on at that level — or do I need to upgrade all the way to the t-shirt level? (I’m not much of a t-shirt kinda guy.)

  2. Answer: If it’s something that only a few people want we can handle it case-by-case, but I don’t want to run a full add-on program because frankly, it sucks. But message me through Kickstarter and we can make it happen!

    That said, I didn’t want to nickle-and-dime with the pledge levels but if it’s something that people want I could add a $35 book-and-pin level. Hrm hrm.

  3. This game stems from the age of intentionally mechanized GM-Fullness. As such it lives in the same clade in my mind as games like Universalis and Prime Time Adventures.

    It is perhaps the pinnacle, the Apex, of that design space. It’s super cool to see it finally coming out now. Because even though indie-scene has moved on in other directions since then, its a great space for us old timers to revisit and will be pretty new and mind blowing for those who missed that design space the first time around.

  4. Ralph Mazza that’s an interesting and I think fundamentally correct take! I think especially in the context of the current wave of PBTA/Fate/similar “engine” games, whats old is new again. Plus it’s super-accessible to play casually in a way most similar to Swords Without Master, IMO.

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