So. just MC’ed my first session and I have some questions:

So. just MC’ed my first session and I have some questions:

So. just MC’ed my first session and I have some questions:

– My players where using help all the time, sometimes after the main char had rolled (usually badly). How exactly should I deal with the Help move?

– Sometimes the moves have weird effects. My Pusher tried to use Vision thing on a quick talk, and I ruled that you need more than a few phrases to gain some weight on it.

– How exactly the reporter works? Does he have to declare an specific story he’s researching?

Also, Pusher/Tech/Reporter group totally threw my planned mission off since they are not really the combat based group I thought they would be. Tips and example missions would be great.


3 thoughts on “So. just MC’ed my first session and I have some questions:”

  1. For the Help or Interfere​ move, ask the player how their character is helping. That should give you a better idea of what might happen on a 7-9 or 6- result.

    Vision Thing does need time and space for an emotional connection. Otherwise it’s probably​ Fast Talk.

    I’ve not played with The Reporter, so I can’t help there.

    Ask the players what kind of missions a team consisting of a Pusher/Tech/Reporter would take on.

  2. I usually start off by asking the Reporter what story they’re investigating. Usually something comes up in character creation and I run with that.

  3. Seems like the Pusher’s Vision and the the Reporter’s Story are always mission fodder.

    Maybe ask the players how the vision and story are intertwined with each other (or at odds…).

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