I am recruiting for a 12-15 session Masks RPG campaign.

I am recruiting for a 12-15 session Masks RPG campaign.

I am recruiting for a 12-15 session Masks RPG campaign.

Play time will be on Saturdays from 7-10pm CST (GMT-6). We will be using Google Hangouts for voice and Roll20 for die rolling and tabletop.

We will start on June 3, 2017. I am looking for 2-3 more players, I already have 1 player. If interested send me an email: darreldarreldarrel (at) gmail (dot) com.

13 thoughts on “I am recruiting for a 12-15 session Masks RPG campaign.”

  1. Are you doing a Playbook lottery? None of the people you have have any idea of what they might want to play? Because I’d most certainly have some thoughts before we sit down even if it’s just a “I think X playbook looks cool”.

  2. I haven’t talked with the two folks who have agreed to play, we have a month to sort that out. I figured we would, like the book suggests, pick out playbooks in the first session.

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