Does anybody know about a Shadowrun AddOn for The Sprawl?

Does anybody know about a Shadowrun AddOn for The Sprawl?

Does anybody know about a Shadowrun AddOn for The Sprawl? I played Sixth World (DW Hack) but for a few reasons The Sprawl is just more consistent.

10 thoughts on “Does anybody know about a Shadowrun AddOn for The Sprawl?”

  1. Steve Wallace is writing a cyber-fantasy setting called Touched at the moment. I’ll be playtesting it at PortConMaine in June. There’s an early playtest document in this community somewhere… a long way back!

    Last week, Assiduous Wake posted some supernatural playbooks. There’s an active conversation about that in this community that you should be able to find pretty easily.

  2. The intent of my playbooks isn’t a direct Shadowrun conversion, though the lines are dotted heavily enough to easily make the connection. I wanted to tap more into the “urban fantasy” genre as I tend to enjoy fiction at the crossroads of cyberpunk and urban fantasy.

  3. I think, as a whole, Shadowrun can be pretty well represented as it is. Look at the playbooks and go ‘So what SORT of mage am I?’ If you want to throw about fireballs, make a Killer with your custom weapon being your fireballs. If you wanna heal wounds, make a Tech.

    Drones are also easy to translate to spirits.

    That’s just my 2 credits on it though.

  4. I ran Touched Prime twice at #PAXUnplugged over the weekend, but more importantly the final cover art hit my inbox on Friday or Saturday. Some amazing work from Toma Feizo Gas. Just a few name lists to finish, a couple of moves to tweak, final edits and layout. Should be out early next year. Touched: A Darkening Alley will be out before that…

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