If you’re looking for an adult NPC to add to your game, have you considered a therapist? It’s a pretty textbook way to tell characters who they are and how the world works, and if handled well it can create some cool dynamics. Maybe check out The Bright Sessions for inspiration.
Originally shared by Jamie Frost
If you’re into serial fiction or superhero fiction at all, I’d recommend checking out The Bright Sessions. It’s a podcast about a psychologist and her sessions with “atypicals,” i.e. people with paranormal abilities. It reminds me a lot of The Booth at the End; the action happens off-screen and we’re told about it after the fact, the stories grow and start to intertwine as the show goes on, and the lynchpin character has her own agenda that’s slowly revealed over time. Really great stuff.
Strongly recommended. It’s a great podcast.
I am definitely liking this podcast. It’s very interesting!
I tried this once on a Mutants and Masterminds campaign and it worked reasonably well. The important thing to remember is not to let the therapist to become like a GM PC that you use to push the characters towards where you think their characters should develop.