One recent feedback I have been getting from my players is that they want to see villains that embody certain traits…

One recent feedback I have been getting from my players is that they want to see villains that embody certain traits…

One recent feedback I have been getting from my players is that they want to see villains that embody certain traits of them. An example of this is how certain Batman villains embody traits within Batman such as Greed. Do you have any tips about how to go about this? Is this similar to making hooks for PCs for a label and making sure that these hooks are villains? If you need to use some examples I have a Janus, Doom, Outsider, Protege and Transformed in my weekly game. Thanks in advance!

4 thoughts on “One recent feedback I have been getting from my players is that they want to see villains that embody certain traits…”

  1. Each Archetype represents a story to tell, so I suppose you could craft a villain that fits their personal story.

    For instance, a Janus deals with the struggle of living two lives, so have them meet a villain that also has two identities, both of which interfere with the hero. I’m thinking that great story in Spider-Man when Doc Ock woos Aunt May.

    A Protege… a rival for the Mentor’s attention? Or maybe a disgraced ex-Protege taking out their revenge on the usurper to their position?

    Hope that helps.

  2. Another to add on the Protege would be one of the Mentors Antagonists, perhaps one thought long gone returning. Using the Label the Mentor Denys

    Janus could something more along lines of Black Cat as another example, a reflection of the negative parts of whatever their Mask embody s.

    Outsider perhaps another Alien or potential invasion scout, Doctor who wants to research them, Anti-Alien Moment Leader etc.

    Doom kinda has one built in with their nemesis.

    And the Transformed one that reminds them of their abnormality, perhaps a hunter who believes themselves to be the good guy removing the menace?.

    Just throwing ideas out there. Batman always had good villains due to a reflection or trait of the hero taken to the utmost extreme. I mean easiest way could be take a comparison from the characters to existing heroes and look at their villains, then twist it.

  3. Another idea for the Protege might be someone who seems like an alternative to the mentor themselves. Think Slade from Teen Titans when he was being manipulative towards Robin.

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